The Tommy Gate G2-Series for pickup trucks and service bodies has gained two inches of travel.
G2-SERIES LIFTGATES (for pickups and service trucks) now feature a maximum travel of 42 inches and are readily compatible with even the tallest of service bodies. While the "new-ish" G2 has achieved a noteworthy addition in versatility, it still supports all of the same platforms, features, and applications as before, and all for the same price.
The previous 40-inch maximum travel height, meaning the height that the loading platform is able to raise or lower vertically, had kept the G2-Series liftgate from being compatible with the tallest service bodies used by work truck drivers here in the United States. Although two inches doesn't sound like much to the layman, it took a significant engineering effort and almost a year of rebuilding to adjust for the change.
Tommy Gate is always working to design, build, and improve upon the finest liftgates in the world.
Accept no imitations.
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